Moving While Pregnant – Things to Know

December 20, 2017 / Posted in Moving Basics
Eva Johnson

Digital nomad born in New York but currently living online, Eva knows everything there is to know about packing and moving.

Are you planning on moving while pregnant? Then you should know that there are certain things you’ll need to pay special attention to during your relocation to another state. To help you have a safe move during pregnancy, we have put together some handy tips and tricks.

pregnant woman in living room
You can safely relocate during the pregnancy with the help of a few tips

Moving While Pregnant – Should I Do It or Wait for the Baby

While it may not seem so at first, there are certainly significant upsides to relocating while expecting. Here are some of them:

  • You’ll have time to prepare. Once you’ve moved into your house or apartment, you won’t have to rush to prepare for the newborn’s arrival. For example, you won’t have to race to baby proof all the sharp edges and outlets in the house on the first day. You can go shopping for everything the newest member of your family will need without a hurry.
  • The burst of energy. Many women experience a sudden burst of energy during the second trimester. So why not use that energy to be productive and move?
  • You’ll avoid stressing the baby out. Relocation is stressful for adults. So you can only imagine the effect it would have on a newborn. By doing this before the child arrives and bringing it into a fully prepared environment will provide a safe space for your child to grow in. You will also avoid the situation in which you have to move with kids.
  • Hunting for a place will be easier. Finding and buying your new place will be a lot easier to organize if you don’t have to work around taking care of a newborn. Sure, it might be a little more tiring than usual, but we think it’s worth it.

Of course, while there are many advantages to relocating while expecting, there are certainly some disadvantages. Let’s take a look at some of the biggest ones:

  • Everything is just a little bit harder. Carrying a human being inside you takes a lot of energy. So it is understandable that even the tiny everyday tasks seem just a little more difficult when you’re expecting. This, of course, includes the relocation itself.
  • You’ll need more help than usual. When expecting, you should steer away from any physically demanding activities. And this, of course, includes lifting heavy items. In other words, you’ll need to rely on other people more than you otherwise would in order to move.
  • You’ll need to change your doctor. Unless this is a local relocation, you will need to find an obstetrician pretty much immediately. Getting all your medical records transferred to your new doctor is something you’d have to do anyway, but now there will be an added factor of emergency.

Tips for Preparing for a Life in a New Home After Pregnancy

Now that we’ve gone through the advantages and disadvantages of relocating while expecting, it is up to you to decide whether this task is something you can handle. If you’ve chosen to go for it, we’ve prepared some tips and tricks for preparing for the baby while relocating.

pregnant woman taking a walk
Utilize tips and you'll relocate without a fuss

Take Care of Yourself During and After Moving

You are about to begin a huge, daunting project. It is bound to get stressful, but your main goal should be to maintain a level head, save energy, and not let the stress get to you. This is why you should make sure to take good care of yourself, both mentally and physically. After all, a whole life depends on it. Here are some tips on how to pamper yourself during the relocation:

  • An hour for yourself. Every day during the relocation, take some time to focus on yourself. Set aside an hour or so and do whatever it is that makes you happy and relaxes you. From going for a walk to getting a massage or simply enjoying your favorite show, whatever it is, the important thing is that it de-stresses you.
  • Watch your diet. Keep a healthy, clean, and filling diet all throughout pregnancy. The benefits of eating the right kind of food are numerous.
  • Watch your sleep. Needless to say, getting a decent amount of sleep every night is crucial for your mental and physical health. On top of that, you probably won’t get much sleep once the kid arrives.
  • Meditate or exercise. Meditation or light exercise could also do wonders for your overall well being. However, make sure to talk to your doctor first before exercising.
woman relaxing on a couch
Don't forget to stop and take a breathe when preparing for the move

Prepare Your Home Before Delivering

Aside from looking after yourself, there are numerous outside factors you should take care of before your child arrives. Besides creating a shopping list for your future apartment, this includes buying all the necessities such as a stroller, a crib, a changing table, and so on. Make sure that the furniture you buy for the child actually fits the dimensions of the room itself. Other things you should do is baby proof your home by covering all sharp edges, covering electric outlets, and putting gates on stairs. Don’t forget to set aside money for these things when figuring out your relocation budget as well. 

Keep in mind that doing all these things will be much more challenging while relocating. Our suggestion is to do one thing at a time instead of overburdening yourself with multiple tasks at once. As we’ve already mentioned, you’ll probably need to use other people’s help more, so don’t hesitate to ask your friends and family for a hand.

woman on the beach
Make sure your new home is prepared for you and your new baby

If you are ready to move, a good tip is to contact professional movers to make sure that your relocation is completely stress-free, for you and your baby. Pick a company with excellent moving services and highly-skilled packers. They can also ship your car if necessary and provide top-notch storage space for the stuff that won’t go into your new house straight away. 

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