How to Survive Moving Day Preparations
Many dread the relocation process, and for a good reason. Moving day preparations demand a lot of energy (both emotional and physical) and nerves, bringing a lot of stress into your life. However, there is such a thing as a smooth move – all you have to do is learn some clever hacks.

The easiest way to survive the relocation process is to hire professionals to do as much work as possible. Boxing up, loading, relocating, car shipping – the right team can do everything and release you from the trouble and potential relocation mistakes. However, there will still be a lot to do, which you can manage with good organization and a few smart tips for relocating interstate. Simultaneously, you shouldn’t underestimate the importance of emotional preparation, which is necessary for this big life change.
Ease the Process by Hiring Cross-Country Movers
Let’s start with the obvious – the fewer tasks you put on yourself, the more bearable relocation will get. If you want a stress-free move, keep in mind that hiring movers is your safest bet – a relocation team will take care of the logistics and handle all the back-breaking work. Therefore, if you’re not trying to find the cheapest way to move out of state, getting some long-distance moving services is always preferable.
What’s the alternative? Without a professional team, you would need to rent a truck, protect, box up and load all of your items by yourself, drive across the country and then repeat all the heavy lifting during the unloading. Just think about everything that can go wrong! On the other hand, professionals do this kind of work on a daily basis and know all the ins and outs of the relocation process. It’s the best solution for when you’re looking for an easy and problem-free move.
Make Sure You Choose the Best Movers
As in any other industry, not all long-distance movers are the same. Therefore, it’s not wise to go with the first company you stumble upon. Remember – choosing a lousy relocation team will only make your relocation preparations more challenging. So, what can you do to ensure your future relocation team is reliable? Here are some hacks to consider:
- Check different reviews and recommendations – the best way to find out about the trustworthiness of a company is to learn about the experience of others. Verbal recommendations and reviews left on independent websites should paint an accurate picture of how one team manages its business.
- Find out if the company is licensed and insured – a non-existent license is a big red flag and a sign you’re probably dealing with relocation scams. To find out if a relocation company is legitimate, use their USDOT number on FMCSA’s website to determine if they have a license and insurance. This unique number can also be used for checking compliant records.
- Go through more than one in-home estimate – the only proper way to find out the best offers is to compare them with others. Therefore, try not to settle for the first quote you receive.
Should You Get Additional Services?
Many relocation companies can offer additional services that can make relocation preparations a lot less demanding. What’s the easiest way to pack for a move? Let someone else do it for you – and not just anybody. Getting packing services means that your belongings will be packed by professional packers who know how to protect all kinds of items. Similarly, you won’t have to look for a third-party car shipping company with the most reputable relocation teams – just get professional auto transport as an additional service.
Moving Insurance
Flat Price Moving and Auto Transport Company offers moving insurance to cover potential damages
Read moreStorage Service
Knowing what kind of surprises cross country move may hold, we offer 30 day free storage for belongings at the origin state.
Read moreAuto-Transport
If your first concern is having your vehicle transported safely and efficiently, enclose shipping is the way to go.
Read moreSuccessful Moving Day Preparations Must Include Good Organization
If you wish to bring the relocation to an end successfully, you must plan a move to another city to the fullest. It’s essential with any kind of relocation to a new home, but crucial if you want to move out for the first time. Remember that without good organization, surviving this period will become immensely harder. Therefore, use all of your time management skills, calculate how much work is necessary for each task – and create a realistic timetable.
When should you start preparing for a move? It depends on several different factors. Will you get professional help or try a DIY approach? Are you relocating to another state alone or with your family? How does your household inventory list look? However, note that preparations must start at least six weeks before the move.
Is There a Checklist for Moving?
Each move is specific, which is why there can’t be one checklist to rule them all. However, some relocation tasks are unavoidable with each move to a new home. When preparing your personal to-do list, be sure you include:
Taking care of the financial aspect
To continue planning everything concerning the move, you must calculate a relocation budget. It will show you how much money you can spend on professionals, supplies, future housing, and the like. Therefore, be sure it’s one of the first things to do when you start preparing for the move.
Researching the new city
The more you know what to expect, the better you can prepare for what’s coming. Be sure your research includes the cost of living, healthcare options, education system, safety, climate, unusual laws, and so on.
Gathering the necessary documentation
Keep in mind that obtaining important records can take some time, so you’ll want to do it as soon as you decide to move. Make a binder where you’ll place marriage certificates, medical, vet, and tax records, contracts, licenses, warranties, and other essential paperwork.
Changing the address and notifying you about the move
An address change can be done online quickly, but keep in mind that other institutions besides USPS also need to be updated. Insurance and utility providers, healthcare and financial companies, Social Security Administration, and IT’S all must be notified prior to the move.
Checking things mover can't move
So the movers’ well-being and your belongings stay intact, some objects are prohibited from relocation trucks. Flammables, explosives, toxic materials, and perishables are just some. Contact your long-distance moving company to get the complete list of items movers won’t move.
Start Packing Weeks in Advance
The main goal of each move is transferring your belongings to a new home damage-free, which is why you should put a lot of effort into boxing up and all that comes with it. Easier said than done! However, if you’re against professional help, there is no other choice.
To avoid any mistakes made in a hurry, start packing the last three weeks before the relocation date. Keep in mind that all the boxing-up supplies must be gathered even before that. To give yourself peace of mind, opt for more quality materials for the most valuable belongings (dish barrel boxes, bubble wrap, packing paper, foam peanuts, relocation blankets, and so on). Less delicate and breakable objects, on the other hand, can be protected with homemade materials, such as cotton clothes, linens, beddings, and the like.
Declutter Before Moving Day Comes
One of the ways to ease the boxing up process is to reduce the number of items you need to move. It will save not only your energy but also money – remember that most relocation companies based their prices on your inventory list, its weight, or size. That is why decluttering has become an essential part of relocation preparations.
What should you not pack when moving? Everything you haven’t used for over a year and doesn’t hold any financial or sentimental value should be left behind. The more rigorous you are about what to keep and what to get rid of, the less work you’ll have in the long run. As for the items you decide not to bring, think about what to do with them – you can sell them for little extra money, donate, or throw them away if they’ve become unusable.
Ingenious Packing Tips That Will Help You Be More Efficient
Boxing up is a daunting task, so finding ways to make it more manageable is in your best interest. Ensure to:
- Label the boxes – you can mark the room they belong to or use a color-coding system;
- Pack rooms one by one – start with basements and garages and finish with kitchen and bathrooms, as rooms you utilize the most;
- Box up the essentials separately – change of clothes, toiletries, medicines, and documents all need to be close to you during the trip;
- Pack the belongings the way they are – should you empty drawers when moving? Do you need to remove clothes from the dresser for movers? If you have a last-minute move, know that all items can be left where they are, as long as they are adequately protected;
- Don’t overfill the boxes – it will be counterproductive since there will be a lot more chances for them to get damaged.
Prepare Your Home and Car for the Move (Or Let Someone Else Do It)
Whether you’re currently renting or owning the place, you should leave it in impeccable condition before the move. If you’re an owner, it will help you sell a house for a higher price; if you’re a renter, it will allow you to keep the deposit. Therefore, deep cleaning is also a part of the relocation preparation. However, there is a way to leave the house clean without breaking a sweat – just hire a professional cleaning service.
Something similar goes for your vehicle. If you decide to hire an auto transport company, you should take pictures of the car to document its pre-shipping condition. In order to do so properly, the vehicle must be spotless. If you decide to do it yourself, here’s a little tutorial on how to get the best results:
What to Expect on a Moving Day? Tips That Will Help the Final Relocation Hours Pass Smoothly
The relocation date is the final step in the relocation preparations. Most of the tasks should be done by then, but that doesn’t mean that you get to relax when it comes. Simultaneously, overburdening yourself will have the opposite effect of what you wish for, and you won’t get anything done.
As with the relocation itself, the key is a good organization. Here is a small checklist of things that needs to be done to help you plan ahead:
- Move boxes with essentials away from those meant for the truck,
- Remove any obstacles from pathways and clear them from debris,
- Secure the parking for the truck,
- Disconnect all the appliances and electronics (even if you’ve hired professionals),
- Hire a sitter for your children and pets (or let your friends help you),
- Prepare some cash to tip movers,
- Get food and beverages for everyone,
- Clean after the team leaves.
However, what is the first thing to do on a moving day? After a good, eight-hour sleep, take a minute to breathe and acknowledge how far you’ve come. The sense of accomplishment will give you enough strength to get you through the next few hours.

Preparing Yourself Emotionally Is Equally Important
Relocation can become very stressful, and you’re probably well off if you’re not experiencing cross-country moving for the first time. It’s more than just a physical part of the process – leaving your old home behind is a significant life change. That is why emotional preparation is needed as well. Spending days with your loved ones, planning how to stay in touch with them, and focusing on the relocation benefits are good strategies. The better you mentally prepare for the relocation, the sooner you’ll adjust to a new city – and that’s the final goal of each move.